All apps are provided as zipped up single exe-files.

Install the apps by unzipping to a folder and linking to as appropriate for your network.

Images and views can be saved by the user.

No other files or network connections are needed.


Full version, free for use in Education settings.


  • range of sources, inlcuding doppler
  • a range of models, including refraction, lenses and the earth
  • variable refractive index for most models
  • a range of tools for measuring, visualising and recording waves
  • pause button and clipboard/save buttons
  • a button to clear ripples and a drip button


Full version, realtime simulation of magnets and their feilds.


  • bar magnets, wires and coils
  • range of visualisations, including field lines and iron filings
  • buttons to save to clipboard or to a file
  • movement of magnets and motors is simulated


The simulation is the same size as the full version.


  • a beam source (four otheres in full version)
  • a model of a simple block (nine others in full version)
  • block has fixed refractive index (models in full version are controllable )
  • no tools or loggers (eight in full version)
  • no pause button or clipboard/save buttons
  • a button to clear ripples and a drip button (so it's still fun to play with!)